Service & Sacrifice: LC Schools Celebrating Veterans Day

Originally known as Armistice Day, November 11 serves as a day each year in the United States as a time dedicated to honoring all U.S. veterans. Across LaRue County Schools last week students and teachers alike joined together to celebrate Veterans Day. At Abraham Lincoln Elementary School, students honored their veterans in a unique way.

“Last Friday we presented a Veterans Day program here at ALES. Our fourth graders prepared and presented musical performances and poem recitations” recalls April Sholty, music teacher at ALES. “The whole purpose behind it was to focus on the importance of Veterans Day, honoring local veterans. We wanted to offer serious moments to reflect, lighter moments to smile, and ultimately a time for us all to be thankful as a community for their service.”

In addition to the celebration on Friday, students Ruby Carter and Landen Wolf shared why the day is meaningful to them and their respective families. “Veterans keep us safe and serve to keep our country from getting hurt. That’s why it’s important to us” shares Wolf. Carter shares about her grandfather’s experience, “Veterans are strong both physically and mentally. My papaw had to carry his buddies off the battlefield when they were injured. That shows how strong veterans are.”

Like other schools across the district, ALES has the honor of veterans serving on staff. Eric Burrell, a teacher at ALES and veteran explains the importance of teaching each generation about Veterans Day, “I think it’s important because we show thanks to those who have served including my generation and those who have served before. I come from a long line of veterans and our community is full of veterans. We teach our students about the day because it demonstrates the qualities of sacrifice and service.”

At LaRue County Schools, this is yet another way of teaching students to be engaged citizens, an important characteristic described by community members who formed the LaRue County Learner Profile. From the youngest Hawks to those preparing to graduate in the Spring, events like Veterans Day celebrations bring the importance of community and service to life.


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