LaRue County Schools School Report Card Information Released

Each year, the Kentucky Department of Education releases a School Report Card for each school district in the state. In many ways, it serves as an overview of areas including academic performance, educational opportunity, transition to adult life, school accountability, school safety, and financial transparency.

The annual School Report Card for the 2022-2023 has now been released. The release is required under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act and includes accountability ratings for all public schools in Kentucky. Ratings on the report card are based on student performance on the Kentucky Summative Assessments from spring 2023, the Quality of School Climate & Safety Survey, English Learner Progress, Postsecondary Readiness, and Graduation Rate.

Here are the top 3 key takeaways to understand the 2023 accountability and assessment results compared to recent years:

2022-2023 results are different from 2021-2022 due to the incorporation of a Change factor in the new system. Status represents a school’s performance on a state indicator for the current year; Change represents the school’s performance on the indicator for the current year compared to the prior year.

Status and Change are combined for each indicator color rating, and then they are added together and weighted to generate the Overall Score and corresponding Performance Rating Color.

We cannot compare Overall results or Indicator results from 2023 to 2022 due to the new Change factor, but we can compare Status results from year to year within each measure.

The 2023 School Report Card rates all of the schools in the LaRue County School District as either yellow (medium), green (high), or blue (very high) and none of our schools were designated for Comprehensive Support & Improvement (CSI) or Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI).


Abraham Lincoln Elementary = BLUE

Hodgenville Elementary = YELLOW

LaRue County Middle = GREEN

LaRue County High School = YELLOW

As a district, our overall Status gained 3.9 from 2022 to 2023. We are proud of our 2023 results and the progress students are making every day. Student results on the state accountability indicators align with several competencies of the LaRue County Schools Learner Profile, but there are additional competencies that are important as well. Our schools are currently analyzing their accountability data along with other important aspects of teaching the whole child as we develop our annual school improvement plans for the year.

The School Report Card for any public school or district in Kentucky can be accessed at the QR code accompanying this article.


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