Public Meeting to Discuss Health & Nutrition
July 9, 5:30pm | Join Virtually Here
Food & Nutrition
Stephanie Utley, Director of School Nutrition
(270) 358-7116
Breakfast Outreach
Breakfast is available at ALL LaRue County Schools to ALL students FREE of charge! Breakfast in the classroom is offered at Abraham Lincoln and Hodgenville Elementary Schools and in the cafeteria. Breakfast is available at LaRue Middle and LaRue High Schools in the cafeteria AND in the hallway with specially designed breakfast carts to ensure that all students have access to a nutritious, FREE breakfast every single school day! Please encourage your student to take advantage of this great and FREE opportunity each day to get their brains ready for learning and other school activities during the day! Remember a complete breakfast includes the entrée, fruit or fruit juice and milk in an accessible GRAB & GO package!