Excitement Builds as School Staff Prepare for Another LaRue County School Year

Summer days are dwindling and August 9 — the day students return to school — is coming on fast.

For many students, going back to school can be a struggle. For LaRue County Schools Superintendent David Raleigh and his team, however, the goal is to provide joy in the learning.

“As we head into the new year, our mission is the same; we are here to serve students,” Raleigh said.

Raleigh continued, noting that no matter where they worked within the school, the LaRue County Schools team stayed focused on their commitment to students.

“We have an amazing team of teachers and support staff who all share that same passion,” he said. “They understand education isn’t just about instruction. It’s about creating a future-driven school system focused on the whole child, where no learner is ever marginalized.”

For parents, the return to school means the return to a consistent schedule and school nights. But it also brings the possibility of new involvement.

Raleigh mentioned upcoming opportunities for parents and guardians to get a clearer picture of how LaRue County is preparing their children to succeed.

“We have exciting initiatives to continue improving our students’ experience,” Raleigh said.

One of those experiences is the LaRue County Learner Profile — a community-driven program meant to expand the reach of the schools and possibilities for students. The Learner Profile helps to cast a vision for what skills and abilities students have upon graduation based on community members and school staff input.

“We know this program will continue to involve the community in the growth of our schools and the successes of our students,” Raleigh said. “We’ll continue to have unwavering hope that our community will support LaRue County Schools and see the worthwhile investment in generations of future leaders.”


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