Community Encouragement for Students' New Year

One of the great aspects of living in a small community is the tight-knit nature of how people relate to their neighbors. LaRue County Schools has the benefit of being immersed in a county full of alumni and non-alumni alike who both are invested in the culture and continual improvement of the student experience at Preschool On College Street all the way through LaRue County High School. For the new school year, a few members of the community were asked for advice they would pass on to the next generation as they return to school this week.

Starting out is Tom Claycomb (LCHS Class of 2001) focusing on the importance of humility in approaching learning on a daily basis, “To the students of LaRue County, ‘The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.’ - Socrates. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.”

He additionally included, for those who are well-versed in pop culture, a fun call back to The Office,

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

- Wayne Gretzky

- Michael Scott

- Tom Claycomb

Next, Katy Cecil (LCHS teacher and alumna) shares a piece of advice that is beneficial for all ages, but with a specific application to young people in their school-age years, “Always assume positive intent. You may not know why a teacher has a certain rule or why they have certain procedures in their classroom, but always assume it comes from a place of experience and every decision is made with your safety and well-being in mind. Every teacher wants you to do your best and succeed in their class. Always approach every situation knowing that is true up front.”

Jack LaRue (LCHS Class of 1999) calls out the importance of students taking an active role in deciding what their outlook on the year is going to be with a straightforward phrase, “‘Ooh, this is going to ______’ It’s up to the students to fill in the blank and the punctuation at the end of the phrase.” It can be positive or negative, LaRue is encouraging students to keep their heads up and eyes forward with the power of a positive mindset.

Finally, Dewayne Gibson (alumni and teacher at The Life Connection) reminds students of the importance of being intentional in their self-care, “Find a balance between working hard and taking care of yourself, physically, mentally and emotionally. Also, try something new! Join a sport or a club or organization that helps you with the idea of being balanced.”

On the date of publication of this article, LaRue County Schools will be beginning the 2023-24 school year. With an entire community at their back, every student and staff member at LaRue County Schools can say with confidence, “It’s a great day to be a Hawk!”


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