2023-2024 KSA Results for LCMS: Proficient Reading: 32% | Distinguished Reading: 23% | Proficient Math: 30% | Distinguished Math: 10%

Larue County Middle School
LaRue County Middle School offers top-quality, end-to-end education for students in grades 6 through 8. Our school provides in class and online access to all students all day long with laptops that students carry throughout the school day. Our staff and students have a history of accelerated achievement and create an atmosphere pride.
Our sole focus is student success. From the minute each child enrolls in LaRue County Middle School, he or she will be provided access to teachers, counselors, administrative staff, and other methods of support to enable them to become successful. We also encourage school to home communication to better serve our students. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or if we can help you to ensure that your child is successful.
Alex Patterson
Email Here
Jonathon Lynn
Assistant Principal
Email Here
Contact Information
Chelsie Walsh
School Counselor
Email Here
Jennifer Adams
Attendance Clerk
Email Here
Megan Nunn
School Nurse
Call Here
Amanda Beeler
Guidance Secretary
Email Here
General Information
Daily School Information
Our school day begins at 8:00am. Students MUST be in the building before 8am or they are marked tardy. School is dismissed at 3:10 – Mon. thru Thurs., 1:40pm on Friday
CAR RIDERS: AM Drop Off (dotted line) and PM Pick Up (dashed line)
Student drop off begins at 7:15am
In the afternoon, vehicles MUST remain in a single line while on Dana Drive. Do not block Dana Drive or the City Park Entrance.
The parent/guardian is responsible for getting their child’s bus information. Contact the bus garage at 270-358-4747 to: notify them that your child will be riding the bus, find out your child’s bus number and AM pick up/PM drop off times.
Students must have a bus note from the principal to get on a different bus or to get off at a different address.
A written note from home MUST INCLUDE: 1) Date, 2) Full name of student, 3) Address of where the student is getting off or name of person they are riding with, 4) Bus number they will ride and 5) Signature of parent. FOR SAFETY AND SECURITY REASONS, TRANSPORTATION CHANGES CANNOT BE MADE OVER THE PHONE OR VIA EMAIL
If your child will be a car rider on a regular basis this year, please make sure you get your Car Rider Number and hang it on your rear-view mirror. Call the office at 270-358-3196 to get your placard.