Where we’re going in the new school year

In my experience as an educator and now as your superintendent, I wanted to share a powerful metaphor for teamwork that was taught to me years ago. This was shared from my husband’s papaw, Bennie Warren, as he freely solicited marriage advice to a newly married couple. It is the image of a mule team pulling together. He talked about the power that is created when you can get a mule team to work together and then related it to the power a couple, becoming one, can do when they truly work together. Taking his wise advice, this metaphor beautifully illustrates the core values that will also drive a successful school district: cooperation, dedication, and the strength that comes from working as a cohesive unit.

Mules are known for their hardiness and resilience. They are sturdy animals, capable of handling tough terrain and carrying heavy loads. However, the real magic happens when they work together as a team. Just like a well-coordinated mule team, a school district thrives when everyone—students, teachers, administrators, parents, and community members—pulls in the same direction.

A mule team must communicate effectively to function well. The mules must trust each other to navigate the path ahead. Similarly, in our school district, open communication and trust are crucial. As your superintendent, I am committed to fostering an environment where everyone feels heard and valued. This means actively listening to feedback, being transparent in our decision-making processes, and building trust through consistent and honest communication.

Just as a mule team moves forward by working in unison, our school district can achieve great things by aligning our goals and efforts. Whether it's striving for academic excellence, creating safe and inclusive learning environments, or engaging with our community, our combined efforts will propel us toward success.

As we continue this journey, I encourage each of you to think about how you can contribute to our collective effort. Just like a mule team, our strength lies in our unity. Together, we can overcome obstacles, achieve our goals, and ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed.

As I step into the role of superintendent for LaRue County Schools, I am filled with a deep sense of responsibility and excitement. It is an honor to serve such a vibrant and supportive community, and I am committed to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed and thrive.

Let's keep pulling together, moving forward as one team, and making this school year the best it can be.

Thank you for your commitment and dedication to our own LaRue County Schools.


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