How Community Involvement Leads to Educational Success

LaRue Countians are playing more of a role in the education of their young people, and the Learner Profile is the key to unlocking both community and educational growth. 

With the school year coming to a close, the LaRue County community has been instrumental in helping shape the schooling of its students. However, by doing that, it’s also embodied the Learner Profile its citizens so carefully crafted. 

The research supports this symbiotic relationship. A study from education researcher Sara McAllister noted that “an authentically engaged community improves schools--not just by participating in school events, but also by helping to shape reform. Family and community engagement is a proven strategy for strengthening schools.” Conversely, by promoting educational engagement, the schools reaffirm and reestablish the importance of education in the lives of its community members. 

For example, while the students have been focused on becoming Collaborative Communicators, the community projects have mirrored that. Community leaders assisted Hawks with running mock interviews and helping develop communication skills through programs like Co-Op. These projects helped teach good communication skills while helping those community leaders involved brush up on what students will need for that competency. 

Other competencies also improve through community support. Resilient Problem Solving was showcased several times through the 2023-24 school year when students reached out to the community for involvement. This involvement ranged from financial donations through booster events to volunteering alongside the student body.

The competency of Responsible Individuals were shown to students through regular volunteering as readers, chaperones and coaches — guiding students as they inch closer to graduation and summer break. The Life-Long Learning competency took center stage as the community led workshops exploring how they learn on the job each day — from career day to AgStravaganza. 

For many, the most critical competency comes from being an Engaged Citizen. Upcoming Senior Awards night is where this connection between the community and the LaRue County students will shine. Community members invest in students and show the overall community’s support by helping graduates see the worthwhile investment they are at awards night. The various community groups and citizens giving scholarships reaffirm the commitment to education. 

All of this comes together to prove true the commonly used phrase, Hawk Family. As a community our students, staff, and stakeholders succeed together.


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