Focusing on Joy this Mental Wellness Month

May is nationally recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month, and few groups benefit more from mental health discussions than teenagers.

“Maintaining good mental health is extremely important,” said Marsha Duncan, LaRue County Schools Emotional Support Specialist. “Our mental health impacts how we feel, think and behave each day. Mental Health also plays a huge role in our decision-making process, how we cope with the day-to-day stressors of life and how we interact with other people.”

Mental health issues have become a bigger priority for schools across the nation, including LaRue County Schools. Policies strengthen the holistic look at a student, rather than reducing their health to GPA or in-school performance.

Schools around the country hope that a holistic picture of a student’s health can help combat concerning statistics. According to the CDC, roughly 42% of students felt persistently sad and hopeless. Almost 30% said they experienced poor mental health. Most heartbreakingly, 22% of students seriously considered attempting suicide. At the time of the CDC’s report, 1 in 10 students surveyed across the nation attempted suicide.

Mental health struggles can also lead to risky behaviors in teens. Underage drinking, drug usage, violence, and increased sexual risks are all actions that can stem from not having the proper outlets for mental health concerns.

Duncan said there are ways that students and their families can actively combat mental health issues.

“There are five practical ways we can all maintain better mental health,” Duncan said. “Practicing gratitude and looking for positivity is one. Next, finding ways to be creative and continue learning. Spending time in nature benefits us, too. Connecting with others in group settings. Looking after our physical health by staying physically active, even if it’s a daily walk, has been shown to improve mental health. And, lastly, quality sleep.”

For LaRue County students, resources are available to help them and their families find mental health help.

“Our district works diligently to promote mental wellness for all students,” Duncan said. “Each school works with students individually to make sure they are developing essential life skills.”

“Students learn self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, relationship skills and responsible decision-making — skills that are all key factors for mental wellness,” Duncan continued.

“We also work with students and families that could potentially need additional support and resources by sharing Mental Health services information that are available to them.”

If parents have any questions and need additional information for their child or family, please contact Marsha Duncan at 270-358-2210 ex. 23060 or  


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