Beyond The Screen: The Tech Behind the 2023 Classroom

Education in 2023 is a different experience than it was in 2013, 2003, 1993, and decades before. Much of the difference in the experience is in relation to technology. The devices used in classrooms today are more powerful and enable more accelerated learning than what could have ever been imaginable even just 30 years ago. LaRue County Schools is using that dynamic to the fullest of its potential.

At LaRue County Schools, the Technology Department is fairly unique in comparison to other school districts for the simple fact that they are able to do so much of the work that supports the usage of technology in the classroom without bringing in a lot of outside contractors. Freddie Newby, LaRue County Schools Chief Information Officer explains, “The LaRue County Technology Dept prides itself on being self-sufficient and fiscally responsible by limiting contract work and doing all work in-house. Our datacenter servers, battery backup systems, and all computer hardware are also maintained and repaired by the district. Since its inception in 2006, our student help desk has grown and evolved. It currently provides day-to-day support in repairing student Chromebooks as well as support to teachers with classroom projectors, TVs, document cameras, peripherals, and software applications.”

Whether it’s instruction in the classroom, communicating with parents/guardians, or work collaborated on between staff members - technology is vital. Newby continues, “Yesterday's schools that so many of us were familiar with just don't exist today. Today's world requires that students have a computing device throughout the day to support their instructional journey. After all, it is the future with all of its technology that we are preparing them for. From taking attendance, taking grades, communication between staff, students and parents, providing instructional materials, to finding information and accessing resources online, the daily life of the classroom relies heavily on the use of technology.”

Beyond the usage of technology, the Technology Department at LCS under Newby’s leadership helps to prepare students for life after graduation. Jade Clifford, a student at LaRue County High School elaborates, “Help Desk teaches me how to repair computers, what the computer components are called and what they do, phone skills, filling out reports, and general "customer" interaction. Quite a few of these skills are applicable to any job, so even if I don't pick something tech-related, the social skills and interactions I picked up will be quite useful.”

Another student at LCHS, Gracie Tucker echoes a similar thought, “Before getting involved with Help Desk, I had no idea what I would do in my future. Now that I am in Help Desk I feel much more comfortable with working with and around computers. Being in this class has really opened my eyes to what jobs I could do that I would enjoy because I know I enjoy this. Now that I am taking this course, it has helped prepare me for future opportunities revolving around computers.”

At the end of the day, the LaRue County School Technology Department is one of the many great behind-the-scenes teams that allow students to have a safe, healthy, and productive learning environment.


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